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Snow is melting and spring is coming around the corner. Unfortunately, this melting snow is causing basement flooding and seepage in some homes. 

Greg Marcyniuk from Heritage Insurance has a few tips on how to avoid these situations. 

"What I recommend to most people is to go out throughout the winter and move the snow away [from your house] with a snowblower so the soil can warm up, the snow can melt, and then it can slowly run away," Marcyniuk advised. "What you want to do is take a look inside around the house, down in your basement and patch up any holes. Make sure your sump pumps are working. Just your normal maintenance that you do in the spring is what you want to do."

Marcyniuk stresses the importance of following these tips, as seepage is not always covered by insurance. He mentioned that the only time it is covered is when there is a break in the window or a steady stream of water flowing in; even then, the coverage is not always a 100% guarantee. 

"The main thing is prevention and getting that snow away from [your house]." Marcyniuk emphasized. 

Marcyniuk said that it is best to do these tasks in the spring or in the fall before the snow comes. 

"An ounce of prevention gives you a pound a cure."

Author Alias