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Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada has released their What We Heard Report today, the result of consultations on the announced national target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

That had the federal government looking at a voluntary 30% reduction in emissions associated with fertilizer application by 2030.

Over 2,000 submissions were received through online consultation, technical workshops, and town hall meetings between March and October 2022, with input being received from farmers, business owners, and members of the public.

“Our government continues to support the agricultural sector’s efforts to become more and more sustainable by investing in practices that are effective in reducing emissions and regenerating soil," said Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, "I want to thank everyone who participated in the consultation process. Your feedback will contribute to how we reach our ambitious target and ensure the sector's success.”

The report included some of the opinions they'd heard, including on barriers to adopting beneficial management practices, programs and support, innovation, and data and research.

A Fertilizer Working Group will be formed under the Sustainable Agriculture Strategy Advisory Committee. As a co-chair of the Advisory Committee, AAFC will collaborate with this group to reach its objectives, which are to:

  • strengthen the ongoing dialogue between industry and government to share information, best practices and identify resources to reduce emissions from fertilizers.
  • examine mechanisms that need further support, such as program funding and the adoption of beneficial management practices (BMP).
  • improve the measurement and tracking of fertilizer emissions reductions in the sector.

"We are pleased to see the universal support of 4R Nutrient Stewardship," said Karen Proud, the President & CEO of Fertilizer Canada, "We look forward to continuing to work with the government and producers to improve measurement and accelerate the adoption of 4R Best Management Practices, which reduce emissions and increases productivity.”

You can read the government's report here.

Author Alias