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Girl Guide Brooklin Moggey donates homemade crocheted toques to Moose Jaw Newcomer Welcome Centre - Photo courtesy Facebook

Local girl guide Brooklin Moggey crocheted 19 toques and donated them to the Moose Jaw Newcomer Welcome Centre. 

This act of kindness is part of her efforts to receive the Lady Baden-Powell Award, the highest award that one can earn in the Girl Guides program. 

Moggey thought it would be a good idea to provide newcomers to Moose Jaw with protection from the chilly weather. 

"I wanted the people coming from overseas to be warm and comfortable, because most of them had to leave everything behind in Ukraine." Moggey remarked. 

One part of the award requires the guides to come up with and complete their own community service project, which was a huge motivator for Moggey.  

"Next year, I would probably do this again," she commented. "I would maybe do toques again, or scarves. It would make more of a difference, but it would also give the same thrill."

Moggey said the Newcomer Welcome Centre was super excited to receive the donation. 

"They really loved the toques and said that it would go to a great cause."

Moggey's next plans include completing badges, group service projects, and activities that will go towards her recipiency for the award. 

Author Alias