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Dorothy Kienlen made about 25 pillowcases for Ukrainian children - Photos submitted

Dorothy Kienlen and Reina Foord have teamed up to make pillowcases for kids coming from Ukraine. 

The pair are both members of the Prairie Hearts Quilters Guild. 

Every year, they make pillowcases for kids in the hospital as part their ongoing charity projects. Pillowcases are also given to the kidney dialysis unit and palliative care. 

This year, Kienlen wanted to do something a little different. 

"When I saw Christy Schweiger's page on Facebook outlining all the newcomers to Moose Jaw from Ukraine, I contacted her to see how many kids there would be." Kienlen recalled. "When she told me the approximate number, I thought, 'oh I can handle that!'"

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Pillowcases made by Reina Ford


Kienlen donated 25 pillowcases, and Foord made a few of her own as well. The pillowcases were then given to Schweiger to pass out to the kids. 

"We use as whimsical of fabric as we can find and prints that appeal to kids." Kienlen remarked. "We have everything from cars, to moose, to sunflowers and a lot of animals. We try to find some Canadian-type prints!"

The material used to make the pillowcases is purchased or donated from Quilters Haven. Kienlen also takes material from her own stash of fabric at home. 

Kienlen mentioned that it does not take very long to make a pillowcase. 

"[It takes] just over an hour, from cutting it to putting it together." Kienlen commented. "It's been an instant gratification project when I want something to do around the house, other than housecleaning."

Kienlen loves seeing the pictures of kids holding their new pillowcases. She definitely plans to continue making pillowcases for kids in need in the future. 

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Pillowcases made by Dorothy Kienlen


Author Alias