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Evelyn Hrudko has been a part of Linking Generations for two years. Photo provided by Linking Generations.

Meet Evelyn Hrudko, a local senior staying at Dr. Turner Lodge in Fort Saskatchewan.

For the last two years, Hrudko has been a part of Linking Generations, a charity that pairs up students at Saint John Paul II Catholic School with seniors from the lodge.

"I'd say the best part is just being able to talk to these kids, because they find out stuff about us and we find out about them, too," said Hrudko. "All the travelling that they do nowadays, that we didn't do at all when I was growing up."

Every second Monday, the students head to the lodge to meet with their seniors. Hrudko said that the students she speaks to alternate throughout the meetings.

"I might get someone else because someone from our group was missing. One of my girls was not there at the last meeting, so I got one from another table that might have had three kids."

In their last meeting on Monday (Apr. 3), they played a makeshift game of Family Feud, with Hrudko and her team taking the win.

Hrudko loves the program but has noticed a shortage of volunteers from the senior's side.

"There are children who want to come, and they don't have anybody for them to come see."

The importance of such a program helping to bridge generational divides is not lost on Hrudko.

"It's great for them to hear these stories, rather than reading about it in a book," said Hrudko. "We can actually tell them what we went through, what we did and didn't do, didn't have and had."

"It's really interesting for them."

To learn more about Linking Generations and how to get involved, click here
