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SGI is shining a light on impaired driving for this month's Traffic Safety Spotlight.

SGI and law enforcement wanted to remind the public of the Reported Impaired Drivers (RID) program, which allows them to call 911 if they suspect an impaired driver. 

Media Relations Manager Tyler McMurchy says that reporting an impaired driving incident protects all parties on the road. 

"Not only does it make the road safer for yourself and other road users, but it will benefit the impaired driver themselves," McMurchy remarked.

McMurchy had a run-in with an impaired driver himself just a couple of weeks ago. 

"I was driving on Ring Road in Regina and I smelled cannabis. Then I noticed the vehicle in front of me driving a bit erratically," McMurchy commented. "I pulled up beside the vehicle and spotted the driver taking a puff of what appeared to be a joint. So I called 911 and reported the details."

When reporting a suspected impaired driver, take note of the location, the direction the vehicle is travelling, a description of the vehicle (including colour, make, model, and license plate number), what type of driving behaviour is being exhibited, and a description of the driver. 

Common signs displayed by impaired drivers include: 

- Drifting in and out of lanes
- Driving unreasonably fast, slow, or at an inconsistent speed
- Tailgating and changing lanes frequently
- Making exceptionally wide turns
- Changing lanes or passing without sufficient clearance
- Overshooting or stopping well before stop signs or stop lights
- Disregarding signals and lights
- Approaching signals or leaving intersections too quickly or slowly
- Driving with windows open in cold or inclement weather
- Driving without headlights or leaving turn signals on

McMurchy is encouraging people to call 911 and report suspected impaired drivers that they come into contact with. 

"Reporting an impaired driver isn't 'snitching'" McMurchy remarked. "It's potentially saving their life."

Author Alias