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Photo courtesy of CAA Saskatchewan
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Photo courtesy of CAA Saskatchewan

With spring just around the corner, the CAA Worst Roads campaign is making its return. 

Road users are invited to nominate and vote for their worst, unsafe roads. Road users include motorists, cyclists, pedestrians, motorcyclists, and transit riders. 

Once results are recorded, the campaign releases a list of the top ten worst roads in Saskatchewan. Last year, two of Moose Jaw's roads made the list, with the 4th Avenue Viaduct ranked at 7th and the 9th Avenue Southwest ranked at 10th. 

Corporate Communications and Public Relations Director Christine Niemczyk says that the list motivates cities to improve their road conditions. 

"It really profiles the roads that are in a poor or unsafe condition," Niemczyk remarked. "We raise awareness of those roads through the campaign to those who are responsible for fixing, repairing, and maintaining the roads."

Niemczyk added that they share the results with those responsible for the road's poor condition. such as municipal and provincial governments. This allows for the road to be looked at, reviewed, and repaired. 

Roads are mainly judged for potholes and crumbling pavement, but rankings take into account road cracks, general disrepair, poor signage, congestion, and unsafe infrastructure as well. 

Voting takes place from April 4 to April 25, with results being released on April 26. 

You can nominate and vote for your worst road at caask.ca/worstroads. 

Author Alias