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Len Arnott found his passion for art after retiring in Fort Saskatchewan.

A retired veteran and postal superintendent amazed the community through his intricate art.

Local artist Len Arnott hosted his first-ever art gallery at the Shell Theatre between February and March.

Len's son, Kevin, said that his father began pursuing art after he retired.

"He didn't take any classes or anything, he just had a passion to paint what he sees," said Kevin. "He likes to paint landscapes and portraits."

Len first moved to Fort Saskatchewan in 1974 with his wife and three children. At the time he was working for the Royal Canadian Air Force, which he retired from the following year. Afterwards, he became a letter carrier with the Canadian Postal Service, being promoted to the role of Canadian Postal superintendent in Fort Saskatchewan until retiring in 1992.

Once fully retired, Len spent his time travelling with his wife, Flo, and volunteering with several local initiatives. He also likes to play golf, read, and of course, create art.

After painting over 50 pieces, Len and his family had the idea to have his art displayed to the public, and this is what lead them to the Alberta Lottery Fund Art Gallery at the Dow Centennial Centre.

"It provides community members the opportunity to showcase their art," said Kevin. "So, we approached the city, and they accepted my dad."

The gallery also featured a meet and greet, where residents could speak with Len and learn more about his passion.

"He also likes the comments and the feeling he gets when people admire his art, so it was a really good opportunity for my dad to feel good about his art," said Kevin.

Those interested in purchasing a print of Len's art can contact Kevin at 780-667-2503.
