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Tyson Munro will be back for his third year as the U15 AAA Rangers head coach.

A familiar face will be sticking around the U15 AAA Fort Saskatchewan Rangers. 

Last week the club announced that head coach Tyson Munro will remain the team's head coach heading into the 2023/24 hockey season. 

Munroe has an extensive history of coaching at a high level and has a bachelor of kinesiology from the University of Alberta and majored in sports coaching. 

He's put that degree to good use, spending four years as an assistant coach for the Sherwood Park Kings, a year as a U15 AA coach for MLAC, and now four total years as a head coach at the AAA level in Fort Saskatchewan, one with the U16 team and now three with the U15s. 

Munro's goal behind the bench is to strike a balance between players having fun on the ice while also producing desirable results.

"The players need to have fun coming to the rink every day," said Munro. "At the end of the day, they are 13 or 14 years old and don't need me grinding them every day." 

"Part of that is enjoying going to work and putting in the effort and time to get better and develop." 

While behind the bench is where Munro feels most in his element, he also does a lot of work for the program away from it, recruiting players from the club's zone to potentially play on the team. 

"It's a big process trying to constantly be aware of all the players in our zone," said Munro. "A big part of the job is not just to focus on my current existing team but making sure that we are constantly aware of players in our zone, recruiting, and making sure we are attracting players to our program." 

The U15 AAA Rangers are coming off a disappointing finish to the season that saw them get swept 2-0 by the Sherwood Park Flyers in the first round. 

To help round out his staff, Munro was able to secure, former U18 AAA Rangers coach, Brett Cox as an assistant. 

"We have a really strong staff on board," said Munroe. "We think we are set up as a team to have success." 

Munro and his staff will take the summer to prepare before hopping into preseason in September. 
