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The Veterans Way bylaw was defeated at Tuesday's city council meeting.

Fort Saskatchewan will not be borrowing money for the Veterans Way expansion project. 

This comes after bylaw C2-23, which would have the city borrow $4.9 million for the project, was defeated by a 4-3 margin at Tuesday's (Apr. 11) city council meeting. 

Mayor Gale Katchur was one of the council members that voted against the bylaw. 

"Unfortunately, the province did not have any funding in their budget announcement [for the project]," said Katchur. "We will take the opportunity to apply for grant funding again." 

"It is a provincial highway and we do expect that the province would step up to help fund the widening." 

On the flip side, Councilor Lisa Makin voted in favour of the bylaw. 

"Veterans Way is recognized as a regionally significant piece of transportation infrastructure and I did want to see it go ahead," said Makin.

"What council is saying is that taxpayers shouldn't have to foot the bill for this piece of transportation infrastructure because it is so significant the province should be contributing." 

Makin added that while council will continue advocating for funding from the province, there is also a grant application out to the federal government. 

"Through that, we can hopefully get this piece going sooner than later." 

The bylaw passed its first reading by a 5-2 margin back in February. Councilors Brian Kelly and Patrick Noyen changed their vote after the second reading to defeat the motion. 

"The cost-sharing opportunity to have the project funded in part or whole by the province has to be fully exhausted before incurring this type of debt," said Noyen. 

"I do support the project for the benefit that we would receive, and it will need to be completed in appropriate timing." 

With a provincial election coming next month, the city plans on waiting to see who will form government and reapplying for grants. If funding is secured, there is a possibility that the project could get underway this year, otherwise, it will be delayed. 

"Depending on who is in government [after the election], we can go back and once again make the application to see if we could get some funding," said Katchur. 

Once funding is secured, it's expected that work will widen the corridor between Highway 15 and 101 Street. 
