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Photo courtesy of SaskPower.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic recently leased 29 acres of land in the Agri-Food Industrial Park for their Agriculture and Food Production diploma program. 

This collaboration with SaskPower was made to teach post-secondary students safety procedures when working around power lines. 

SaskPower hopes that by installing overhead power poles and inactive lines, the powerline incident count will decrease.

Scott McGregor, spokesperson for SaskPower, says that their goal is to educate people on the steps they can take to avoid powerline accidents. 

"These are things like taking routine breaks to prevent fatigue, utilizing a spotter so you have an extra pair of eyes on the ground, or collapsing or lower equipment when moving it near powerlines," McGregor remarked.

McGregor mentioned that SaskPower gets around 300 incident calls every year. 

"Every incident has the possibility of being very dangerous," McGregor emphasized. "We want to make sure that everyone takes extreme caution and knows what do if something does happen."

You can view more tips at https://www.saskpower.com/Safety/Electrical-Safety/Worker-Safety/Look-Up-And-Live

Author Alias