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Steinbach Coldwell Realtor ownership group
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Coldwell Banker ownership group (left to right) Ron Friesen, Elaine Friesen, Benjamin Tetzlaw, Emma Boulanger, Paul Hiebert, Art Enns

“There’s an obligation to make sure that we do a great job for them because it’s their number one investment.” 

Art Enns has been one of the partners with Coldwell Banker since its creation in 2017. As the company celebrates their sixth anniversary, Enns reflects on the early days.   

“It’s actually been quite amazing. You start something because you believe in it. Then you surround yourself with great people, and the community embraces you and the work that you do for them. You give back to the community the way you feel led, and it’s just amazing. It’s amazing how it’s grown.” 

As a business model, the team at Coldwell Banker wanted to build a company that took a different approach to real estate.  

“In the beginning, we discussed how we can be different,” Enns shares. “We said first of all, we want to bring professionalism up a notch. We want to do a better job and be more thorough, whether it be in how we train our agents, or how we connect with people. It’s the level of integrity- what we say, what we do, how we represent. But we don’t want to disregard the fun stuff, either,” Enns adds. “Like possession day! The fun of getting keys and moving in, or the joy of seeing your home sell because you’re moving on to a next chapter. Or walking alongside a family that’s downsizing because their parents are moving into assisted living. We still want to have the element of fun, because moving is a big decision in people’s lives.” 

Whether the fun is in the joy of selling, the relief of finally selling, or the surprise of selling for more than expected, many emotions are involved in buying or selling a house.  

“Plus, a lot of people care about who’s buying their place.” Enns continues “So when you find a good fit, it’s great to be a part of the exchange.” 

Reflecting on the pandemic, Enns remarks on past developments.  

“First of all, we just felt privileged that we could work,” Enns gratefully acknowledges. “Mostly, we were dealing with people who were upsizing. Because at first… the kitchen was the most important. But then the focus shifted, and now people are looking at the family room, the office, a second family room, because you’re learning, working, and exercising at home. So, the needs changed and yes, there was a significant demand, and we knew that it wasn’t sustainable.” 

Rising interest rates also played a large role in market predictability, and Enns states that currently, the company is observing trends similar to 2018-2019. Prices were strong, the selection was good, and on a good day, homes sold within days.  

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Looking ahead, Enns hopes that the future will bring more opportunities to support and invest in their community, and hopes that those they serve will see Coldwell Banker front and center when it comes to local real estate.  

“We’ve been an agency that has done so much in the southeast area, and people are noticing it. They say ‘we trust you, we appreciate you, we like the work that you do’. So in return for such support, we want people to let us be part of their next homebuying journey.” 

Whether you’re new to the market, or ready to get into a different home, reach out to one of their agents to see how their way of looking at real estate can benefit you- visit https://coldwellbankersteinbach.ca, or call (204)-326-3338. 

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Author Alias