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The Saskatchewan Polytechnic School of Business students are hosting a showcase at the Western Development Museum. 

Forty-five business students will be given the chance to present the projects they have been working on during their program. 

Kristen Craig, Associate Dean for the School of Business, believes these showcases are important for students and industry representatives alike. 

"The reason that we're hosting this event is because we're seeing rapid changes in many areas of businesses, such as supply chain, insurance, and marketing," Craig remarked. "We've created this event to be able to showcase the innovation that's coming out of our school."

Craig also mentioned that this event provides an opportunity for the industry to see that Saskatchewan Polytechnic providing cutting edge education to their students. 

Some of the projects that industry reps can expect to see include an app for homeowner insurance, a detailed public relations plan, a digital marketing campaign, and more. 

"This showcase is an opportunity for the industry to connect with our students and network on a different level that they may not have had an opportunity to before," Craig commented. "It is also for our students to be able to learn from the industry members who are there."

The event is only open to invited industry representatives.

It takes place Thursday, April 27 at 7:00 pm. 

Author Alias