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Cyber Eagles Silver senior robotics team has left the world stage in Houston as one of the best teams in the country.

The Cyber Eagle Silver senior robotics team left the world championships as the best robotics team in Canada.

The world championship was in Houston, Texas over the weekend, and featured 192 teams competing against each other, having their robots complete a variety of tasks.

Ben Loewen, captain of the team, said that this wasn't their first time competing on the world stage.

"This was our second time going, and it's always great," said Loewen. "But this year was extra special because we did so well."

"This was one of the first years that we got into the playoffs," added mechanical lead Nate Stork. "There were so many teams there, so it's always really fun to see all the teams that come down and all the different designs they have."

Each year of the robotics world championship features a different challenge. This year, the Cyber Eagles needed to create a robot that could pick up cones and stack them on a pole.

"At the beginning of the year, we break down the challenge into its key components. So, we brainstorm with that and then we prototype," said Stork. "We went through several prototypes, and between our competitions, we try and upgrade things and improve them in continuum."

The Cyber Eagles ended up second in their division, winning 10 of the 11 qualification matches. However, they then lost two matches and were eliminated in the semifinals.

Despite the loss, this marks the first time that a Canadian team has made it into the elimination rounds since 2010, and the first time ever that a Canadian team captained an alliance.

"As part of the game, you play two teams against each other, and since we were second, we got to choose our partners," said Loewen.

Being the best-performing Canadian team in worlds was an honour for the Cyber Eagles.

"I think the keys things that made us do well was our reliability. We didn't break down at all," said Stork.

"We owe it to our mentors and the alumni who have taught us so much, and we've been able to improve year by year."

As for what the future holds, the Cyber Eagles are hoping to expand by introducing three more teams into their program.

They are looking for more members between Grade 4 and Grade 12. Those interested in joining can contact the Cyber Eagles through their website.
