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The "Spring Sing" Concert will take place in the beautiful St. Andrew's Church - Photo by Cory Knutt

The Moose Jaw Community Choir will be performing their second annual "Spring Sing" concert.

Choir Director Diane Rhodes is excited for the choir to get a chance to perform again. 

"We had our first concert in May of 2019," Rhodes recalled. "Then COVID came and we haven't had a concert since then. We limped through COVID, had to stop for a while, but then gradually got going again and we're looking forward to presenting a concert this year!" 

The choir is split in four groups (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass) and each group sings a different harmony. They sing a variety of styles, such as classical, folk songs, pop songs, spiritual pieces, and contemporary songs. 

"We [also] have different people that are playing instruments to add more the songs. "There is going to be a cello, saxophone, drums, flute, and our piano accompanist, Jen Watterson."

The choir is composed of 66 members (50 women and 16 men), ranging from age 20 all the way up to age 80.

Rhodes believes the feeling of creating music within a team is a remarkable experience. 

"It's an interesting feeling of everyone joining their voices together to try and sound like one sound," Rhodes explained. "I think the people that are singing really enjoy it because it is a team feeling where no one is in the spotlight, you put your voices together, harmonize, and the song of the choir becomes a sound of its own." 

The group will be performing 12 songs at their spring concert. Following the performance, guests are invited to chat with choir members and enjoy the refreshments located in the church basement.

"We've been working hard on all our music and we're hoping that it brings some pleasure to the audience!" Rhodes exclaimed. 

Tickets are $10. You can purchase yours at the door before the performance, or you can contact Rhodes at (306) 640-8098.

The second annual "Spring Sing" concert will be held on May 26 at 7 p.m. at St. Andrew's United Church.

Author Alias