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Central Collegiate Leadership 20 students. (Submitted photo)
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Students from Central Collegiate's Leadership 20 class are collection bikes for newcomers. (Submitted photo)

A group of kids from Central Collegiate's Leadership 20 class are looking for used bike donations. 

The bike drive is a collaboration with Moose Jaw Multicultural Council. All bike donations will be given to newcomers in Moose Jaw, with a special focus on Ukrainian refugees. 

Austin Kretsch, one of the students in the Leadership 20 class, says this project is part of an effort to give back to the community. 

"[We have] been working on different types of teamwork skills," Kretsch remarked. "Currently, [Leadership 20] is doing different kinds of 'give back to the community' [projects]."

Students in the Leadership 20 class had a choice on what projects they wanted to work on. Some groups that the class is giving back to include Moose Jaw Transition House, Riverside Mission, Hunger in Moose Jaw, and the Moose Jaw and District Food Bank.  

Kretsch decided to work on the bike drive because he liked the personal aspect of the project. 

"I wanted to be able to change someone's life for the better, but also be able to experience the happiness they have when they receive the bike."

The bike drive group has seven members: Hadi Faisal, Jackson Giokas, Gerritt Gulutzan, Hunter Nichols, Nathan Pisio, Max Simmons, and Kretsch himself. 

Leadership 20 teacher Tana Rowe says they will be accepting bike donations for all ages. 

"We are not just looking for kids' bikes, we are also looking for bikes for adults who are new to Moose Jaw and maybe don't have a driver's license," Rowe mentioned. "It creates a mode of transportation which helps with getting to and from work or getting groceries. There are a variety of reasons as to why bikes are an important part of somebody's life!"

In past years, the project has received over 50 bikes. This year, the class has a goal of matching and exceeding bike numbers in past years. 

The Leadership 20 class will be accepting donations until the end of May. At the beginning of June, they will start distributing the bikes. 

Interested in making a donation? You can contact the Moose Jaw Multicultural Council at (306) 690-5832 or Swis.highschool@mjmcinc.ca.

Author Alias