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The Southport Rec Plex was home to 12 volleyball teams this past weekend in a fundraiser tournament for the Koko Platz Community Rec Centre. 

Deanna Talbot, organizer of the event says that she is glad she decided to put this tournament on. 

"I think the club and the community is really rallying around the fundraising going around and it's just a great initiative to be able to support it and help them raise the money that they need to meet their goal." 

Talbot outlines that she decided to put the tournament on since it aligned so well with Thursday night adult rec league.  

"This is just a new initiative and any chance that we get to raise funds for something in our community is a good opportunity." 

The organizer says that being a part of this tournament gives her a sense of joy noting that it sold out very quickly.

"It makes me proud to be a Portager and it's great to have everyone here. The fact that it sould out so quickly shows  the support is always there as per usual in this community." 

Matt Mulvey from the first-place team Jessie and the Rippers says that although they haven't played in a tournament in around five to six years now it was nice being able to get back into it.  He also mentions how the weekend went overall 

“We played well, all the other teams played well, but we just got the edge on them,” he continues. “It's just always good to get out with our team and play some volleyball and meet some people." 

Author Alias