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The weather turned out for the 2nd Annual High River Legion's Show & Shine on Sunday May 7.
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The weather turned out for the 2nd Annual High River Legion's Show & Shine on Sunday May 7.

The second annual High River Royal Canadian Legion's Show and Shine filled the streets in and around the Legion on a fairly sunny Sunday.

The weather turned out for the event which brought out a few hundred people.

About 50 or so vehicles were registered as the event got underway at 10:00 a.m. with more rolling in as the day unfolded. 

High River Legion 2nd Vice President and Chair of the Show & Shine Don Horn spearheaded the event and is also the proud owner of a 2019 Mustang Shelby. The only one of its kind in Canada. 

Horn says the idea behind hosting the fundraising event came about last year after the success of some other Legion's in Calgary.

"A couple Legion's in the city started and they had a great turnout and great fundraising, and we thought let's try it here in High River. And there's a lot of car people that live around this area and the first one was a success." 

The Legion (#71) brought out Country music singers Brettyn Rose and Chase Morgan to perform inside the Legion on stage at noon. Joel Windsor and a drumming band from Notre Dame Collegiate were also on hand performing for the crowds just outside the Legion. 

And what kind of a fundraiser would it be without a 50/50 draw and food.  Handmade burgers were grilled up on a bar-b-que and for only $5 it was paired with a bag of potato chips and an ice-cold pop or water.

It was only $20 cash per vehicle to enter with the first 100 vehicles getting a dash plaque.  There were also door prizes up for grabs during the family friendly event which ran from 10 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.  Fortunately, there's a cash machine inside the Legion as well as washrooms.