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Photo courtesy of Dakota Songer.

Head on down to Mcdonald's this Wednesday as they will be celebrating their annual McHappy Day!

McHappy Day shines a light on families who have turned to the Ronald McDonald House in a time of need and encourages people to donate to the cause. 

Moose Jaw's very own Songer-Huber family had to spend time at the Ronald McDonald House in October and November of 2022 while their daughter, Lylah, was receiving treatment at the children's hospital. 

"It was nothing short of amazing. It's like a big family there." mother Dakota Songer remarked. "It is such a welcoming, positive environment even though so many of the families are there long term or they are there because a crisis has happened with one of their children."

Songer's daughter Lylah has epilepsy and was experiencing a terrible reaction to an antibiotic that she had been given. Lylah had to be admitted to the children's hospital when the antibiotics began causing her body to shut down. Songer decided to get a room at Ronald McDonald because she had to juggle Lylah's treatments at the hospital with taking care of a ten-month-old baby. 

Songer is extremely grateful to the Ronald McDonald House and is not sure what she would have done without them. 

"I would have had to find a hotel to stay in, find a laundromat, and eat out for three meals every day," Songer explained. "Not only that but the emotional support that you receive from the staff and the families there is incredible. When something negative [was] going on, it [was] so nice to have that to fall back on."

This year, the Songer-Hubers are holding McHappy Day very close to their hearts this year. 

"Until we utilized the Ronald McDonald House, I didn't know much about McHappy Day, the importance of people supporting it, and what those donations do," Songer commented. "It's definitely a cause that is very near and dear to our hearts now and forever will be."

You can make donations at your local McDonald's or donate online at rmhccanada.ca.

Author Alias