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Heartland Sulpher has issued an update on a fire that occurred at their terminal off Highway 15 on Saturday.

Heartland Sulpher has provided an update on a fire at their terminal over the weekend. 

On Saturday afternoon (May 6), onlookers saw a cloud of dark smoke just off Highway 15. 

The general manager of the terminal, John Bennett, says the fire was in their mechanical and parts shop. 

"The fire was confined to the shop building and its contents."

The fire was eventually extinguished with the help of both on-site and county firefighting resources. No one was hurt during the incident. 

Luckily, the fire did not do extensive damage and all operating aspects of the facility were unaffected. 

The cause of the fire is still under investigation, though it was confirmed that there was no connection to the wildfires in the area. 

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