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Nancy Hicks (Facebook)

Nancy Hicks spent years on stage in Canada and more than a decade at QVC as an on-air spokesperson. She loved her time there but finally sensed God calling her to full-time ministry.

"There were 400 people lined up behind me for my job on QVC," said Nancy. " I loved it, but I knew there were not 400 people lined up behind me to preach God's word."

Nancy went back to school. She attended Palmer Seminary of Eastern University, where she received her master's in theology. She graduated six years ago and started up her ministry NancyHicksLive.

"God's been good, and I've been moving forward," said Hicks. "It's been wonderful, and I've had a lot of opportunities."

Amid this journey, in May 2019, Nancy's world was turned upside down. While in the middle of graduate work at Harvard University, Hick's older son, David, was diagnosed with colon cancer. 

The oncologist working with David reassured the family that there were many options for treatment and that he would survive. Two years later, after alternative medicine, chemotherapy, scans and surgeries, they exhausted all of their options. David was put into hospice and died on May 1, 2021, at 28 years old.

"That is where, for the last year, we have been living with the reality that our son is no longer in the flesh on planet Earth with us," Hicks explained. "It has been a year of utter grief."

Nancy says losing her son has impacted her faith in ways she never experienced.

"My relationship with God has gotten deeper. It isn't pleasant. He's been quite quiet, actually," Hicks explained. "I feel in my soul that that is very appropriate. I sense the Lord in a kind, fatherly, weeping way, holding me, but I am not hearing a lot from him."

As Nancy works through her grief, she continues to share God's word with those who struggle and wrestle with God and doubt or with faith and relationships.

Today on Connections, Nancy shares how she went from the secular world to full-time ministry. She'll also share how her son's death impacted her life and faith.   
