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Municipalities would need to monitor and report any collisions which happen on golf carts to SGI.

Saskatchewan municipalities will now be able to allow golf carts to be used on public roads for more than just getting to and from the course. 

SGI has updated a policy that will allow people to drive golf carts on certain municipal roads if their municipality passes a by-law, subject to certain limitations and SGI approval. 

Previously, if municipalities passed a by-law allowing it, golf carts were only permitted for transportation to and from the golf course, with drivers using the most direct route. 

resolution at the recent annual convention of the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association requested this change, stating, "Many SUMA members, primarily from smaller communities and resort villages, have expressed support for ability-inclusive, cost-effective, safe, environmentally-aware transportation alternatives that enhance community connectivity and reduce parking congestion in public gathering spaces." 


"Our government has listened to our municipal stakeholders and asked SGI to make these common-sense changes that balance safety considerations with meeting the needs of our communities," Minister Responsible for SGI Don Morgan said. 

The updated policy includes the following requirements:

  • Golf carts must not be operated on any provincial highway, other than to cross one.
  • The bylaw must identify the road or part of the road within the municipality where the operation of a golf cart is permitted.
  • Municipalities must include in their bylaw that they will monitor and inform SGI of any collisions that occur and if there were any injuries or fatalities.

This is in addition to the rules that were already in place and remain in effect: 


  • The driver of the golf cart must be the holder of a valid Class 7 (Learner) or higher driver's licence.
  • The owner is required to carry a minimum of $200,000 in liability insurance for damages caused by the golf cart and provide proof of insurance at the request of a peace officer.
  • Golf carts must be equipped as defined in The Registration Exemption and Reciprocity Regulations (at least three wheels, weight limit of 590 kilograms, not counting riders and clubs).
  • Golf carts cannot operate on any roadway with a posted speed over 50 km/h.
  • Golf carts will be required to display a slow-moving vehicle sign (already required by legislation for vehicles travelling less than 40 km/h on the roadway).
  • Golf carts can only be operated during daylight hours (half an hour before sunrise to half an hour after sunset) on roadways.
  • Golf carts cannot be capable of operating at a speed of more than 24 km/h on level ground.
  • Golf carts must only be operated by a sober driver. You can be charged with impaired driving if you are operating a golf cart under the influence of alcohol or drugs. 
Author Alias