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Lindsay Alliban - courtesy of Lindsay Alliban
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Photo courtesy of Lindsay Alliban.

The Village of Hazlet has a new, big-city look thanks to the launch of its brand-new website. 

After being in the works for the past year and a half, the site was created to help promote the village and all it has to offer, explained Community and Economic Development Officer for the Village of Hazlet, Linsday Alliban. 

“We created this new website just to make sure our community is known out on the World Wide Web, and we needed it updated because we haven't done an update for probably 10-plus years,” she explained. “We got it done by a professional and we have some beautiful, new, professionally done photos in there that really help show the assets of our community.” 

The new site also includes updated functionality for individuals using a mobile device. 

“What we wanted to update was the functionality, and we wanted it to be mobile-friendly because everyone looks at websites on their phone,” Alliban stated. 

She added that it was built to provide easy access for users and will feature a wide variety of information. 

“We've built it so that we can highlight information from both the RM Council and the Village Council so any of the ratepayers or residents of those communities can access information about utilities, or taxes, or bylaws that they might want to find,” We also have a new style of community events and news, which is easy for myself, the economic development officer and the administrators to access and update. We also will be adding a commerce portion, it's not quite live yet, but we will be able to take donations, as well as people can purchase items that we might have for sale.” 

In addition, the new site provides a direct connection to organizations that are a part of the Hazlet community. 

The webpage was done in partnership with the Economic Development Committee of Hazlet, which covered a portion of the cost. 

Alliban estimated that the total cost was between 3,000 and 5,000 dollars. 

To see the new site, click here. 

Author Alias