For decades, thousands of listeners tuned in each week to hear Gerhard Ens' radio program. Gerhard Ens immigrated to Canada as a one year old in 1923 and grew to be a man of many talents. He was a husband and father, he was a teacher and principal at Mennonite Collegiate Institute, he was editor of the German language paper "Der Bote", he was an ordained minister, a historian, founding member of the Mennonite Historical Society and long time board member of the Mennonite Heritage Village in Steinbach...But, he was also a broadcaster!
Archivist Conrad Stoesz, from the Mennonite Heritage Archives in Winnipeg is back for episode two of Still Speaking which outlines and life and legacy of Gerhard Ens.
You can listen to Still Speaking Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 12:40pm.