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The beginning of June in Swift Current also marks the beginning of splash pad season in the city. 

The seven pads, in various locations around Swift Current, provide a fun, free way for kids to cool off during the warm summer months, explained Parks Manager for the City, Michael Newell. 

“It's great to be able to put your kids in the car and drive down to one of our multiple parks and let them go play in the in the water,” he elaborated. “It's free, it's one of the great things about living in Swift Current, we have so many free great park services and amenities out there that the public can enjoy.” 

The splash pads in Swift Current are located at Highland Park, Kinsmen Park, Riverside Park, Rotary Park, Saulteaux Park, ACT Park, and Westend Park. 

Newell added that a couple of features may be missing from the pad located in Highland Park until repairs can be carried out. 

“It'll be going, but there will probably be two or three of the implements there that usually would be spraying up water are shut off for the time being until we can get out there and repair them,” he concluded. 

Author Alias