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From left-to-right: Brad, Kathy, and Sadie Keller (photos courtesy of Gull Lake & District Kinette Club, video by Hannah Roper)

Over 150 people came out to watch the Peyton Keller Memorial Field be unveiled in Gull Lake on Sunday morning.

The Gull Lake & District Kinette Club, who created the idea, lined up the initiative to honour Keller planned it to run during the morning of Minor Ball Day.

Jenna Roosen, the vice president of the Gull Lake & District Kinette Club, said it was a perfect day for the unveiling.

"Our town is really amazing at coming together in times of need, especially like this and it was well shown today with the amount of support that everyone came out to show," she said. "I think everyone was really happy. Everyone that we worked with did an amazing job on the sign, it turned out really beautiful."   

The sign consists of a stained piece of wood for the backdrop with metal work depicting Keller holding a bat inside a white baseball with the words 'Play for Pey' at the bottom and atop was 'Peyton Keller Memorial Field'. Dylan, Logan, and Trevor Gedny did the metalwork while Al Kuntz did the woodworking.

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"That was kind of his Gull Lake thing, he played ball here and he grew up playing on the diamond with his buddies," Delaney Girodat, a member of the Gull Lake & District Kinette Club, said. "I think it was just a really nice way to honour him... It opens the door for people to keep remembering him."

Stickers with 'Play for Pey' made by Southwest Custom Graphics out of Swift Current were sold throughout the day with proceeds on behalf of the Keller family going to the Gull Lake Ball Diamond Committee. 

"I actually don't know how many we sold just because we left them at the front gate, but I did check in around 4 p.m. and they said it was going really well," Girodat said. "I know when we did car stickers in the past, they sold out right away so I'm sure this was probably the same way too." 

Both Roosen and Girodat were quick to mention the Kinettes only got the ball rolling with the idea and a lot of other people stepped up to make the dream turn into a reality.     
