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With prices on the rise for basically everything, saving a dollar or two here and there can help.

Nichole Schaubroeck, known online as Coupon Cutie, is an expert in this area. She has spent years figuring out the best ways to save money and is now using social media to help others do the same.

"It started about nine years ago. I've always been frugal," said Schaubroeck. "One of my coworker's sons was into extreme couponing. And I was like, I want to do that. And then that's where it all started, and I didn't stop."

These days, Nichole uses couponing, with other sources, to help keep her grocery bill down.

Some of the top ways she says we can save money include,

  • Couponing
  • Points
  • Price matching
  • Buying bulk
  • Buying close to expiration
  • Price awareness

"I've noticed the shop that I used to do is now usually like $100 almost every single time, whereas before, it was maybe like $70 or less," said Schaubroeck. "I do find that using coupons and price matching and doing all those things helps."

Today on Connections, Nichole shares ways that we can save money in the grocery store. 
