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What a way to start the weekend then by finding out you are one of our first two big winners in our Frontier's Day VIP Experience contest. 

A big congratulations goes out to Maureen Houghton who entered the contest on Swift Current Online and shared with us that one of her favorite Frontier Day's memories was "Getting the horses all ready for the cutting shows and 4-H shows"

Our next big winner was Ronald MacWilliam who shared his favorite memory of actually being involved with Frontier Day's. Ronald said a memorable moment was

"Being in a clown Volkswagen with a lot of other kids at the rodeo as part of the show in the fifties."

Maureen and Ronald have both won a Frontier Day's VIP Experience package including a pair of tickets to the rodeo, a pair of tickets to the stockcar races,  a pair of ride passes and a pair of front row VIP tickets to the Grandstand concert featuring Meghan Patrick and The Washboard Union including a meet and greet with the artists. 

You can still enter to win here and be sure to tune in next Friday June 23rd when we will be announcing our final two winners. 

Author Alias