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dogs - SPCA - courtesy of Amy Dixom
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Taffy and Lydia are both available for adoption (photos and video courtesy of Amy Dixon).

In a case that has left the staff at Swift Current SPCA scratching their heads and chuckling in disbelief, two mischievous canines have been wreaking havoc with their escapades at the shelter.  

These talented troublemakers, named Taffy and Lydia, have developed a knack for defying the laws of gravity and scaling kennels like seasoned circus performers. 

The Operations Manager at the SPCA, Amy Dixon, provided more information on the climbing duo. 

"We've got two dogs in the house right now that like to climb the fences and over the cement walls and the whole bit, they're trying to be ninjas, I think,” she elaborated. “Overall, they're safe, but they think that they should be outside their kennels.” 

The antics initially began with the chain-link fences in the outside runs, but the shenanigans didn’t stop there. 

The staff soon discovered that Taffy and Lydia had taken their acrobatic skills indoors, maneuvering along the top of the kennels like tightrope walkers.  

Dixon added that while the dogs were unknown to each other prior to arriving at the shelter, the dynamic duo decided that their adventures were better shared. 

“They came in separately, from two separate households,” she stated. “Overall, I think that they just realized that they could do the same thing and then maybe bonded over that.” 

Taffy is a five-and-a-half-year-old German Shepherd cross and Lydia is a three-year-old Golden Labrador mix. 

The SPCA staff has been working tirelessly to address this ongoing challenge and modifications have been made to the kennels, including securing the mesh on the inside and weighing it down to prevent any further escapes.  

However, the two adventurous pups are keeping the staff on their toes. 

"We're currently on a mission to find the perfect materials to cover the outside runs and put an end to this 'great escape' saga," Dixon revealed. "Our main concern is their safety, so we're keeping a close eye on them and ensuring they are supervised.  

“They're just two adventurers looking for a friend during what can be a difficult time in their lives." 

To reduce the escapades, Taffy and Lydia get ample time to interact with each other during walks, runs, and playtime in the office. 

While their Houdini-like escapes continue to provide laughter and challenges, the compassionate team at Swift Current SPCA remains dedicated to ensuring these two canine ninjas find a loving home where they can frolic to their hearts' content. 

For more information on Taffy or Lydia, contact the Swift Current SPCA at (306) 773 – 1806. 

Check out the video down below to see Taffy demonstrating her acrobatic abilities.

Author Alias