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Ardrossan Junior Senior High has announced its two valedictorians.

Ardrossan Junior Senior High is a unique school in that they have two valedictorians for the class of 2023.

This is because the school has French immersion and wants to represent the student body's French and English sides.

Seth Ryning

Seth Ryning grew up on an acreage in Strathcona County, attending Ardrossan High since he was in Grade 7.

"It's kind of a small country school, but at the same time it's not," said Ryning. "You get a lot of people who live in Sherwood Park, but you also have people from as far out as Tofield. So, you get a big mix of people in there."

Ryning said he had an idea that he would be selected for valedictorian.

"I knew I was close, but I didn't think I would get it. I wasn't expecting it."

Finding great enjoyment in the sciences, Ryning is looking to pursue a career in astrophysics when he leaves school.

"I've always been interested in space and physics. Understanding how the universe works has always been super interesting."

Lauren Bayne

Lauren Bayne, who has spent most of her life in Sherwood Park, is the valedictorian for the French immersion part of Ardrossan High.

Bayne said she chose Ardrossan High because it was the only school in the area that offered French immersion.

"I can always use it in so many jobs where you need French fluency. I don't use it much in my day-to-day life, but there are many opportunities just because I've been in French immersion."

As for favourite subjects, Bayne said she loved everything about school.

"It's a natural love for all things new and interesting," said Bayne. "All of the information I get to learn at school drives my desire to do well."

Bayne said that rather than her and Ryning doing their own speeches, they've decided to do a speech together.

"There's not a lot of co-valedictorian speeches to take any inspiration from, so we're kind of just coming up with how we do it on the fly."

After school, Bayne is hoping to become a land reclamation specialist, taking a dual degree in native studies and environmental and conservation science.

"In my view, I think the correct way to go about that career is to be considering the wants and needs of Indigenous and rural communities, who will be impacted most by the work I'll be doing."

The last day of school for students at Ardrossan High is on June 28.
