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Scholars in Steinbach

“Summer School” doesn’t exactly have the same connotation as “summer camp” or “vacation,” especially for kids.

This is why Scholars of Steinbach, a tutoring service for all ages and grades, is making its programs as fun and flexible as possible through the warmer months.

“We have different activities in our lobby, so when students come in there’s already something going on that makes it fun,” says Sajda Siemens, who opened Scholars at 40 North Gate Dr., Unit 12C in April. “I know as parents we want to give kids a break over the summer, and that’s awesome! But it can also make it very difficult for them to start back to school confidently in September.”

Siemens points out that many students are jolted when they transition from 30-hour school weeks during the year to zero in late June, adding that some students can lose up to 25% of what they learned while regularly in the classroom. For students with pre-existing learning gaps, the summer can impact them even more.

“If they were behind when they left, they’ll be even further behind when they go back,” she says.

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Sajda Siemens, Scholars of Steinbach

Enter Scholars of Steinbach.

The service, which quickly enrolled 40 students in the spring and has dozens more already signed up for some summer tutoring, offers academic programming in reading, writing, math, and French for kids in preschool thru Grade 8, and high school students receive more targeted subject support.

“High school students generally come to us for help on one subject per semester,” Siemens explains. “Our tutors will have them bring their notes and past tests and then determine the concepts that they need to work on. We’ll also help students with exam prep, organizing notes and study skills.”

Tutors include existing, licensed teachers from Steinbach schools, university students completing their education degrees and advanced-degree students with specializations in math and the sciences.

Students registered with Scholars will also notice the environment has little resemblance to the typical elementary, middle years or high school setting.

“It’s more intimate here, it’s small groups,” says Siemens. “They may not be getting the attention they require in the classroom, so this is what a lot of students really need.”

Among Scholars’ more popular offerings is its French-language instruction. Available for core tutoring in all levels beginning with preschool, they also provide French immersion and will be providing high school French-supported math and science help beginning this fall. Siemens says the demand for French programming is something she’s “heard loud and clear” from the Steinbach community.

Altogether, Scholars endeavors to ensure that no kids fall through the cracks in Steinbach and the surrounding area. And they’ve designed their programs both so parents are not committed to enrollment contracts and high school students have flexible learning options.

“We’re going to be open Monday to Thursday, 3-7 p.m.,” says Siemens, adding, “Summer is actually a great time for tutoring!”

For more information about Scholars of Steinbach, call (204) 320-2608 or email Steinbach@ScholarsEd.com. Additional information can also be found on Scholars’ website.

Author Alias