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Fort Saskatchewan resident Brady Smith helped return a mobility scooter to its owner after spotting it abandoned.

A good samaritan from Fort Saskatchewan helped return a mobility scooter to its rightful owner.

Brady Smith, a Fort Saskatchewan resident, was driving through town when he noticed the scooter in the industrial area of the city.

"I didn't really think too much of it," said Smith. "On my way back from Lamont I was surprised that it was still there."

Smith first thought that the scooter had been stolen, contacting the Fort Saskatchewan RCMP about the situation, who told him not to touch the scooter just yet.

"That's when I took the pictures of it and shared it to Fort Sask Informed."

It was through this Facebook post that gave Smith a lead, as another resident commented saying that the scooter belonged to an elderly man who was taken to hospital in an ambulance.

"I managed to grab the scooter and load it up onto my truck after contacting the police station and the hospital to see if the gentleman was still there. Turns out he was."

Smith delivered the scooter to the hospital, and although he didn't get to meet the man, he said that he was told the elderly gentleman was very thankful.

"I wouldn't be able to leave it on the side of the road overnight. I know it would have went missing," stated Smith. "How I think is that someone who has a mobility scooter generally needs it because that's theirĀ form of transportation."

Smith said he wanted to thank the nurses, police officers, and Fort Saskatchewan residents for helping him to bring the scooter back to its owner.
