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Lately there has been quite a few snake sightings in communities that are surrounding Strathmore, the first big snake sighting was seen in Langdon. Now we have a snake forming in our very own community.

Linda Ray was scrolling on Pinterest one day and saw the rock snake crafts and decided that she wanted to bring that not only to her own community but to her church as well. 

"I thought that it was a very simple, creative way to have some summer fun. Everyone has a creative side to them even if they don't think that they do." 

Roxie the rock snake has been placed outside of Hope Community Covenant Church and has a total of six decorated rocks at the moment, all from the staff at the church.  

"It is now open to whoever wants to come down and drop of a rock. It will be there for the whole summer."

Ray said that she is really excited for the smiles that she will see when people get to decorate a rock and place it.

"I can't wait to see people walking by or just some smiles to our community, a little bit of positivity and have something beautiful."

Roxie was initially going to be Rocky but then Ray realized that the snake in Langdon is called Rocky and decided to make a female version of it, hence the name Roxie.

Rock Snake

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