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Photo by Hayden Michaels.

Residents in Saskatchewan will have the opportunity to angle in waters throughout the province for free during the annual free fishing weekend. 

Sport Fish Specialist with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, Murray Koob, explained the purpose of the weekend. 

“The purpose of the free fishing weekend is to encourage more people to get out and participate in angling and increase public awareness about the value and diversity of sport fishing in the province,” he stated. “It's to promote the activity of angling, just to get more people exposed to it and experience what wonderful opportunities we have in the province.” 

The weekend means that no license is required unless you plan to take the fish you catch out of the province. 

Free Fishing Weekend does not apply in the province's National Parks, but any other public water that's open to sport fishing is free to fish. 

Angling limits and all other fishing regulations still apply. 

“This is first introduced back in 1989, so, it's been a long-standing event that we've provided to anyone in the province during this time and you can go out and angle without having to buy a license,” Koob concluded. 

For more information on Free Fishing Weekend visit saskatchewan.ca/fishing 

Author Alias