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It will be a weekend packed full of world-class fiddlers at the DCC.

Fort Saskatchewan will be the place to be for world-class fiddle music this weekend. 

The 39th Annual Grand North American Fiddle Championship will be setting up shop at the Comfort Inn and Dow Centennial Centre (DCC) from July 13 to 16. 

"You get to support so many people in our community playing music and supporting the arts," said Melanie Doderai, a local fiddler teacher and volunteer for the event. "We are one of the largest competitions within Canada." 

The championship will feature local musicians and students showing off their talent, but also musicians from all across Canada, and even from other countries. 

"Normally we have contestants everywhere from Nova Scotia to B.C," said Doderai. "We have had people from the States, people from Europe and Norway come over, it's exciting." 

Such a prestigious event being held in Fort Saskatchewan might seem a tad bit strange, but according to Doderai, the community is perfectly fitted for this exact type of championship.

"We actually have an incredibly strong fiddle community here, believe it or not. We have quite a few teachers and a large number of students that really live and breathe this style of music." 

"It was just a natural fit I think to have it brought out here." 

Each day will feature something different. A couple of jam sessions at the Comfort Inn will kick things off on Thursday night and Friday afternoon. 

Things will then move into the DCC for the weekend. 

"On Saturday you are going to see kiddos from all across Alberta and Canada sharing their music and stepping up to the stage to share what they do," said Doderai. "On Sunday you are seeing the best of the best, people who have honed their art and you're hearing music at levels you could not imagine." 

There will also be a panel of judges that feature some of the country's premier fiddlers including: 

  • Daniel Gervais, 2x Canadian Grand Master Fiddle Champion
  • Mark Sullivan, 3x Canadian Grand Master Fiddle Champion
  • Paul Lemon, 1x Canadian Grand Master Fiddle Champion

Lucas Welsh will also act as an alternate judge. 

"We are really representing these amazing muscians and you will definitely want to come to see them," said Doderai. 

No matter which way you slice it, the Grand North American Fiddle Championship is sure to provide great music and competition as well as bring the community together. 

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(Braden Gates, a fiddler from Fort Saskatchewan, is one of the most talented musicians set to play in this weekend's championships) 

A full schedule for the championships can be seen here

Tickets can be purchased a number of ways including at the Shell Theatre website here as well as in person at the DCC. 
