The newly built walkway under the Highway 15 bridge has been struck with vandalism.
The vandalism was spotted earlier this month by Fort Saskatchewan resident Tamee Dumont. She posted about the graffiti on the Fort Sask Informed Facebook group.
Alongside the walkway, graffiti can be seen showing ableist and homophobic slurs alongside anti-police sentiment.
"There were a bunch of kids hanging out there having a party. Partying is not bad, it is the vandalizing that is the problem," wrote Dumont in her Facebook post. "Maybe if we all talk to our kids, we can help the situation. Most of the spray painting is being done by teenagers. Maybe we can help make a difference."
Although the walkway has not had officially opened, there is no barriers to stop people from entering the walkway.
It is unknown if the graffiti will be cleaned up before the walkways official opening day in late July or early August.