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Charlie Gargus (center) was recognized for his 20-year service with the Alberta Fire Chief Association.

Two Lamont County fire chiefs received provincial recognition.

Back in late May, Charlie Gargus and Al Lenkewich were both honoured at the Alberta Fire Chief Association (AFCA) conference for their 20-year membership. 

Though honoured for the 20-year mark, both men have actually been in the county for much longer. 

Gargus started working with Lamont County Emergency Services in 1985. 

"The Fire Chief, Dale McCarty, approached me and two others that were part of the teaching staff at Mundare school, to join the department," said Gargus. "The fact that we would be out of school at 4:00 and available to launch an initial response worked very well."

"I have been helping out wherever I could ever since that time. "

Since joining, Gargus has worked his way up to become assistant deputy chief. Though grateful, he says that he didn't need an award to justify his service. 

"The idea of an award was not needed, but it is nice to know that someone in the community noticed. Recognition and appreciation from others are always welcome and an inspiration to continue doing the job."

Lenkewich joined LCES about five years later in 1990 when the fire department was recruiting. 

"I was able to spend the time to complete the different levels of training offered as well as fire investigation courses, that helped me to progress thru the various positions within our station to captain," said Lenkewich. "I felt it was the best way to serve my community and the surrounding area."

"It feels good to be recognized for my contributions to the fire service in Alberta." 

Lamont County fire chief Bo Moore is very proud that the department boasts two of the province's finest firefighters. 

“As Chief Officers, both Deputy Chief Kelly and I are extremely proud of our members being recognized by the Alberta Fire Chiefs Association,” said Moore.

“This is a well-deserved honour, the dedication to our service does not go unnoticed at the local level, and is now rightfully being recognized at the Provincial level!”
