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A 6-year-old boy was the victim of a child abduction in Fort Saskatchewan earlier this week.

Fort Saskatchewan RCMP are investigating a child abduction that took place in the city earlier this week. 

Police say that on Monday, a 6-year-old boy who was playing outside was approached by a delivery driver. 

The driver offered to bring to the boy to a 7-11 convenience store with the promise of candy and a Slurpee. The victim was brought to the store and various items were purchased before the driver returned to the boy back to his home safely. 

The boy then alerted their parent about what happened, who then called the police. 

An investigation was able to quickly identify and locate the suspect, a 29-year-old Edmonton resident, who has been taken into custody with charges pending. The exact identity of the person has not been released yet. 

At this moment in time, it does not appear the child was injured during the incident, though specialized services will be conducting further interviews to determine exactly what happened. 

More to come...
