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Shake the Lake 2023 - courtesy of Candace Sewell
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Photo courtesy of Candace Sewell.

The shores of Lac Pelletier Regional Park were alive with music over the weekend for the park’s largest annual fundraising event. 

Attendees gathered at the campground to support various community initiatives while enjoying a night of entertainment at this year’s Shake the Lake. 

Candace Sewell, the office and campground manager for Lac Pelletier Regional Park, elaborated on this year’s event. 

“The event is an outdoor cabaret and this year we had Broadband out of Medicine Hat, it's an all-girl rock band,” she stated. “The crowd really, really loved it.” 

The funds raised during the Shake the Lake event will be allocated to various projects, including local youth programs, environmental conservation efforts around Lac Pelletier, and improving campground facilities to enhance visitors' experiences. 

“We have a free Children's Day Program, we do activities with the kids, and we upgrade the park,” Sewell elaborated. “I think we're putting in solar lights this year, and we've done fencing projects and playground projects, just stuff within the park.” 

She noted that numbers were slightly down from previous years, which she credits to the unfavourable weather. 

“It was quite cold, so some people didn't show up and other people left early just because of the weather,” she explained. 

Despite attendance not being quite as high as in previous years, over 10,000 dollars was raised for the park. 

Author Alias