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Chloe Mareschal - courtesy of Chloe Mareschal
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Photo courtesy of Chloe Mareschal.

In a heartwarming moment of celebration and community support, Chloe Mareschal has been announced as the first-ever recipient of the Dr. Lawrence Reimer Memorial Bursary offered by The Center.  

Mareschal's dedication, hard work, and recognition of the late Dr. Reimer's philanthropic endeavours earned her this honour. 

She noted that while she didn’t believe she would be chosen as the recipient, she was inspired to apply due to her admiration for the late Dr. Reimer. 

“It's just an amazing opportunity because of all the things that Dr. Reimer did for everybody, he was a very giving person and inspires me too,” she elaborated. “I just think that's such an amazing thing for him to do for everybody and to be giving to people like me because I'm going to college, and it helps me so much for my future in my schooling.” 

The teen added that learning she was the recipient of the Dr. Lawrence Reimer Memorial Bursary, gave her the feeling that all her hard work during her grade 12 year was worth it. 

“I was really honoured and a little bit shocked too,” she stated. “I was not really expecting much because I just don't really think of myself to be that lucky of a person to receive something like this. I’m just very honoured to be the first recipient and to be a part of something in our community that's a big deal to me. 

Although initially unfamiliar with The Center, Mareschal discovered its importance through her brother, who had previously frequented the facility.  

“I think it's an amazing thing for young kids if they have nowhere to go hang out with their friends, they can at least go there,” she noted.  

The bursary will provide $1,000.00 to one student annually, who ‘exemplifies an attitude of service among their peers that goes above and beyond to care for those around them.’ 

Looking ahead, Mareschal has ambitious plans for her post-secondary education as she will be attending Lakeland College in Vermilion Alberta to pursue her studies in animal health technology. 

Her goal is to specialize in reproductive work in cattle and horses, with a focus on cattle work in South Saskatchewan.  

Author Alias