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When travelling on the highways, many may not know the proper procedure around semi's on the roads. 

Tyler, a dispatcher at Burbank Express, says he used to be a driver and mentions that when on the road near a semi, you must ensure you are as visible as possible.

"When passing a semi, you want to do so quickly and efficiently. Of course, with safety in mind, you don't have to speed past the semi, but you want to do so as quickly as you safely can."

He also notes that he sees motorists either match the speed or are still too slow to pass the semi, which he says is very dangerous. 

"Tires can blow anytime, or obstacles or animals can enter the roadway. So you want to make sure that you're getting by a semi as quickly as you can, and then when you are past the semi, you want to make sure that you can see the truck in the rearview mirror before coming into that same lane again."

He continues to mention that the stopping distance for a semi is much different than a regular vehicle, and you must always ensure there is enough room between you and a semi.

He says that what he sees most often on the road are other vehicles that don't notice the weight and the velocity that a truck has. 

"So getting too close or coming back into the lane too close or coming right up behind the truck. It's just it's not the same vehicle as a car that doesn't have the same maneuverability, and It doesn't have the same stopping or operating capabilities as a car."

He closes out by saying that talking about safety around semis is essential.

"With respect to different fatalities that have come up over the summer and the road trips that people will be taking this summer, we want to keep everyone safe on the road. 

Tyler stresses the importance of everyone getting home safe at the end of the day. 

Author Alias