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Photo by Ally Paige.

The Southwest Newcomer Welcome Centre has announced the appointment of Deanna Baje as its new Executive Director, welcoming her vast experience and dedication to the organization.  

Baje's dedication and leadership abilities came to the forefront when she assumed the role of Acting Executive Director when her predecessor, Icasiana De Gala went on leave earlier this year. 

When the position officially became available, Baje applied for the role once again. 

“It was for me both a personal and professional challenge because I already kind of knew what the challenges would be,” she stated. “It's more service-oriented, it's not just managerial, it's not just taking care of business, but more of taking care of relationships with people, with our partners, with our staff.” 

Baje's journey in Swift Current began in 2009 when she arrived in the city from the Philippines through the temporary foreign worker program.  

Initially employed as a food counter attendant at Tim Horton's downtown, she quickly established herself within the community. After obtaining permanent residency, she joined the City of Swift Current as an HR Assistant and gradually progressed to the position of Confidential Secretary within the HR Department. 

In 2013, Baje found her calling when she joined the Southwest Newcomer Welcome Centre as a Settlement Worker in schools. For nearly a decade, she served in various capacities, acquiring a profound understanding of the organization's mission and goals. 

Since her official appointment, Baje has been hard at work, familiarizing herself with the tasks ahead and tackling any challenges that come her way.  

As far as short-term goals are concerned, the new Executive Director wants to ensure the longevity of the organization and maintain solid relationships with clients and staff. Looking toward the future, Baje has more ambitious plans. 

“Hopefully we can also add on to the achievements that the Newcomer Welcome Center has already established here in our community and in our region,” she stated. “For goals, definitely hope to have a more sustainable budget for our not-for-profit organization and grow our staff, growing our capacities. Hopefully, the staff are capable of pursuing future goals with me.” 

Baje added that she is extremely thankful for the opportunity and all it has to offer. 

“I'm just really, really grateful that the board saw that I have the potential to do the role and to perform the duties and responsibilities attached to the position,” she elaborated. “I'm grateful for the staff of the Newcomer Welcome Centre because of their support with the transition from Icasiana to me and all the things that have been going on. I'm grateful for our clients that they are still trusting us to serve them, grateful for the community partnerships that are still here, just overall grateful for this blessing.” 

Author Alias