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Pastor Nguyen Trung Ton (Viet Tan Facebook page via VOTM)
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Pastor Nguyen Trung Ton (Viet Tan Facebook page via VOTM)

A Vietnamese pastor who has continually faced legal issues with his government is reportedly in poor health and being denied access to medical care.

Voice of the Martyrs Canada (VOTM), a Canadian persecution watchdog, says that pastor Nguyen Trung Ton was imprisoned in 2011 on charges of "anti-state propaganda." He was re-arrested in 2017 and convicted in April 2018 for "carrying out activities aimed at overthrowing the government." The Christian leader was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

VOTM says that according to a report from Radio Free Asia, Pastor Nguyen has been suffering from a persistent cough following COVID-19 but was denied any medical treatment. He also has an eye condition resulting in almost total loss of his vision.

The pastor's wife, Nguyen Thi Lanh, has expressed concern for her husband's life due to the poor prison conditions.

"The inhumane treatment and lack of medical care in prisons throughout Vietnam are believed to have contributed to the deaths of several political prisoners in recent years, including Lutheran pastor Dinh Diem in January 2023," VOTM reports.

The ministry asks for people to "pray for great improvement to take place regarding Pastor Nguyen's overall well-being, asking the Lord to grant him physical healing, as well as needed spiritual strength and encouragement. May the authorities be moved to release this long-suffering church leader, along with other believers who have been imprisoned in Vietnam because of their Christian faith and defense of human rights. Also ask the Lord to minister to Pastor Nguyen's wife as she deals with this difficult time of separation, and the resulting inability to care for her husband during his time of need."

Author Alias