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Collage of Kleefeld Honey Festival events

The sweetest event of the southeast returns this Saturday, and organizers are a-buzz with excitement.

The Kleefeld Honey Festival has been a summertime staple in the community since its inception in 1970.

Honey Festival coordinator Rosie Winter says they’re very excited to see people coming out from far and wide to see what Kleefeld has to offer.

“We have a really warm, welcoming town and it’s neat to see people coming together. It’s a huge thing!”

With the festival now in its 53rd year, Winter notes that many different generations of Kleefelders get to join in the fun. Some may have spent their teenage years in Kleefeld and look forward to revisiting their old stomping grounds, while new generations get to experience the Honey Festival for the very first time.

“It’s quite nostalgic for a lot of people,” shares Winter. “Some people hear ‘Honey Festival’ and it just brings back these great childhood memories for them and I think that personal connection to the event is just so cool!”

The one-day event is chock-full of activity, beginning at 7:30 in the morning with a pancake breakfast, and wrapping up with fireworks after dark. See the full schedule here.

While the annual Honey Festival has its long-running standbys, Winter points to a few changes. This year, the parade will follow a longer route to extend the fun. And the festival will also be featuring a mini market with about 10 vendors selling their wares from 9am-2pm.

“It really is an event that’s geared for the whole family,” shares Winter, highlighting the festival’s extensive children’s activities.

“That’s a big one! From 11am to 3pm we’ll have a huge area of children’s activities, all free to participate in. One of the local churches here is supplying all the planning for that, and also all the volunteers, which is amazing!”

There will also be a petting zoo, barrel train rides, and the Kleefeld fire department has invited other fire departments to a friendly firefighter competition.

Those who are athletically inclined will enjoy both participating in, or watching, various tournaments including beach volleyball, slo-pitch, arm wrestling, and bubble soccer.

The Kleefeld Park canteen will be busy selling hotdogs and other snacks and drinks all day, and then in the evening, “The chicken dinner is huge!” reveals Winter.

Following the meal, the evening’s performance gets underway with live music from two bands, followed by fireworks, making for an absolutely perfect Honey Festival experience.

But wait – what about the festival’s namesake?

“A local honey producer will be selling his honey there, of course!” enthuses Winter.

You won’t bee-lieve how much fun you’ll have!

To learn more, visit the website at kleefeldpark.ca, find them on Instagram and Facebook, or simply by googling Kleefeld Honey Festival!  


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Author Alias