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The school in Richmound has been decorated with at least one 'Kingdom of Canada' banner. (photo courtesy of the Village of Richmound)
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The Village of Richmound has received threats from Romana Didulo and her followers, this time calling for public executions. 

Emails sent to the Village contain threats directed at elected officials, and along with other members of the community. 

The email quotes with "Be well assured that failure to Cease and Desiste, IMMEDIATELY, from your Rothchild/CCP based communistic, unfair, demoralizing and immoral activities and behaviours while "serving WTP [We the People]" and "before the WTP" under present Natural Law WILL surely bring forth judgement upon yourselves and if found guilty of "Crimes Against Humanity" or "Treason" you WILL face publicly broadcast executions upon yourselves, and underserved devastation upon your children, grandchildren and families."

This severe threat of harm was quickly met with action by the Village of Richmound Mayor, Brad Miller. 

"When we received those threats, we decided we got to call a meeting right away," said Miller. "As a village council, we sent out letters to Scott Moe, Jeremy Patzer, Doug Steele, and SUMA, and said to them that we got to act on this now." 

Miller, along with the rest of the village council, had a meeting with MLA Doug Steele, the RCMP, the EMS and Fire Department, and representatives from the RM of Enterprise.

Together, they discussed what actions can and should be taken, along with how to approach the situation. 

"Within less than an hour, we received calls from the RCMP and Doug Steele's office," said Miller. "Then we set up a meeting yesterday." 

For now, the plan is to have Steele bring letters to be read before the Saskatchewan Legislative body in Regina this Friday. He will also be meeting with Premier Scott Moe, and presenting the matter before the Ministry of Justice. 

"We have some lawyers that want to talk to us tomorrow, too," said Miller. "So we got some lawyers on our side now too."

For those unfamiliar with the situation, the short story is that Romana Didulo has self-proclaimed herself to be the 'Queen of Canada'. She came to Richmond back on September 14. She is currently residing on the property that used to be the Richmound School. This is done at the invitation of the owner of the private property. The long story can be found here

In response to Canada's Online News Act and Meta (Facebook and Instagram) removing access to local news from their platforms, DiscoverEstevan encourages you to get your news directly from your trusted source by bookmarking this page and downloading the DiscoverEstevan app.

Author Alias