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People in a village in Africa.
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Wycliffe partners celebrate the arrival of Bibles in their village. (Supplied)

Wycliffe Associates, an international organization that empowers mother-tongue Bible translators and partners with local churches in the advancement of Bible translation, is working with churches and translation partners to print and distribute newly translated Scripture.

In one village in Southern Africa, the Wycliffe Associates team distributed the first-ever New Testaments in the language of the people. One woman walked 16 miles to the village where the team was handing out New Testaments so she could receive a copy of her own. She said, “I didn’t have anything to eat or drink along the way, but now that I have the Bible in my hands, I feel satisfied. I’m full.”

A man who lives in an isolated area of widespread poverty said that his favourite verse was John 14:2: “My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” (NLT).

“This man’s house is a one-room hut made of mud, with a roof of thatch. He has few possessions, and only enough food to get by,” said Tabitha Price, Vice President of Translation Services for Wycliffe Associates. “But by faith, he looks into eternity and sees bounty.”

“I can’t begin to describe the hunger for God’s Word in these places,” said Price. “It’s almost beyond our ability to imagine because we live lives of such blessing, such freedom.”

Wycliffe Associates facilitates the distribution of newly translated Scripture by providing Bible translators with printing equipment through its Print On Demand initiative. Local translation partners receive training and small printing systems that make it possible for them to discreetly publish the Bible—or portions of it—in small quantities.

Wycliffe Associates also provides technology and training for digital access to the Scriptures and holds Bible dedication events for completed translation projects, which help build community excitement for reading Scripture.

In Northern Russia, Christians began using this technology for preaching and Bible study in the church. After seeing how effective it was, they decided to print 1,000 copies of the Gospel of John to distribute to those who hadn’t heard or read Scripture in their language. So far, they have distributed 900 copies.

“Our brothers and sisters have worked so hard to translate the Scriptures,” said Price. “But there’s one more step: printing and distributing Bibles.”

Author Alias