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This fencing was present during the anti-Didulo protests in Richmound in mid-October. (photo by Hayden Michaels)
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This fencing was present during the anti-Didulo protests in Richmound in mid-October. (photo by Hayden Michaels)

The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence in Richmound.

The Village of Richmound continues to see the situation play out with the 'Kingdom of Canada' and Romana Didulo, as they are now running into issues with their fencing supply.

Didulo and her people had set up a fence around the former Richmound School in order to cordon it off. The fencing covered the perimeter of the school, sealing off the private property with a no-trespassing line.

Now though, the 'Kingdom of Canada' has been forced to shrink its borders after Triways in Swift Current reclaimed the fencing at the start of November.

Richmound Mayor, Brad Miller, is glad the company decided to not provide hardware to Didulos camp.

"He said he'll have a crew out by the end of the month," said Miller. "They picked it up and it worked like slick." 

Miller explained how the group had lied about the purpose they were renting the fence for. The sales manager for Triways was on vacation when the fence was initially rented. He came home to various complaints from Richmound residents and immediately set about reclaiming the equipment from Didulo.

"He apologized over and over again," said Miller. "I said stuff like that happens, and he followed up and did a good thing for the Village of Richmound." 

Once that fencing was removed, the remaining fencing from an outfit in Medicine Hat was also retrieved. This has left Didulo and her ilk in short supply of yard barriers, forcing them to shrink the perimeter to the immediate school area.

"I think they gave a credit card that was backed up to rent again for November," provided Miller. "But it was not a legit credit card."

Miller has also observed that the zealots have stacked haybales against the underside of their RVs. He believes they are doing this in an attempt to insulate the underside of these campers.

Unfortunately for them, this violates a Village bylaw that aims to prevent mice and other pests from nesting in the village.

"That's a nuisance bylaw," said Miller. "We'll talk about it today and see if we can get them removed because of rodents and fire hazards."

While no actions have been taken as of yet, the Village is looking to see what grounds they have to take punitive measures against the 'Kingdom of Canada' on this matter.

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Author Alias