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mattock fedak
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Images provided by Horizon School Division. Linda Mattock and Mark Fedak are the Horizon Board of Education Chair and Vice-Chair respectively.

Linda Mattock and Mark Fedak are the Horizon School Division Board of Education’s Table Officers, as of the Nov. 8, 2023 Organizational Meeting. Ms. Mattock was acclaimed as Chairperson and Mr. Fedak was elected as Vice Chair.

“I would like to thank my fellow trustees for their support. I take this role very seriously, and look forward to continuing to advocate for the children of Horizon School Division,” said Ms. Mattock, who has served as trustee since 2016 and as Vice Chair since 2018. She represents Subdivision 2 which includes Annaheim, Lake Lenore, St. Brieux, Three Lakes, Humboldt Collegiate Institute, and Humboldt Public schools.

Mr. Fedak has served as Trustee since 2016 for Subdivision 4 which includes Drake, Englefeld, Muenster, Lanigan Elementary, Lanigan Central High, and Watson schools. “I am grateful for the Board's support as we work together to advance Horizon’s vision and foundational goals,” said Mr. Fedak.

Horizon's Board of Education is made up of 14 publicly-elected trustees representing as many subdivisions. The organizational meeting is held each calendar year, in accordance with the Education Act, 1995. At this meeting, trustees determine table officers, discuss indemnity, incidental rates, and other organizational items.

For more information regarding Horizon’s Board, please visit horizonsd.ca/board
