SGI allows municipalities to approve golf carts for public road usage

Saskatchewan municipalities will now be able to allow golf carts to be used on public roads for more than just getting to and from the course. 

SGI has updated a policy that will allow people to drive golf carts on certain municipal roads if their municipality passes a by-law, subject to certain limitations and SGI approval. 

Previously, if municipalities passed a by-law allowing it, golf carts were only permitted for transportation to and from the golf course, with drivers using the most direct route. 

SaskPower stressing safety for farmers through Look Up and Live Program

With seeding beginning for many farmers, they're looking to get their product into the ground while racing machinery across their fields.

Fatigue can be a problem during those long days, with that leading to farmers making mistakes. In the case of power lines, those can be deadly.

That's why SaskPower is bringing their Look Up and Live program back, to remind farmers to be aware of power lines and their height.

SaskPower Spokesperson Scott McGregor explains what to do should some machinery contact a line.

Lightning is more likely now that summer weather has settled on the prairies.

As summer storms have begun in the southeast, marked by recent thunder, thunderstorm safety is being stressed by authorities.

That includes Terri Lang, a meteorologist from Environment Canada, who says that even if it's not the main focus of extreme summer weather, lightning can be very deadly.

Emergency Preparedness Week showcasing potential risks for Saskatchewan residents

As summer is quickly approaching, so too is the risks of disasters and other emergencies such as flooding, tornadoes, and more.

To that end, the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency has started up its Emergency Preparedness Week, lasting from May 7th to 13th, 2023.

They're looking to share crucial info for people who could be at risk and should be prepared in case of an emergency.

"When thunder roars, go indoors" and other lightning safety tips

As summer storms have begun in the southeast, marked by recent thunder, thunderstorm safety is being stressed by authorities.

That includes Terri Lang, a meteorologist from Environment Canada, who says that even if it's not the main focus of extreme summer weather, lightning can be very deadly.

SPSA planning SaskAlert test Wednesday afternoon

The Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency will be testing out its SaskAlert system this week.

At approximately 1:55 p.m. on Wednesday, May 10 people will be receiving messages on their mobile phones, similar to amber alerts.

SaskAlert provides critical information on emergencies in real-time, so people in the province can take action to protect themselves and their communities. 

Experts tackle nuclear safety concerns in SaskPower's Power Talks webinar

With a lot of talk about nuclear energy being a part of Saskatchewan's energy future, one key concern that's risen among some is the safety of such a venture.

That was one of the topics presented at a Power Talks webinar put on by SaskPower which brought together energy experts from across Canada to answer common questions.

Experts tackle nuclear safety concerns in SaskPower's Power Talks webinar

With a lot of talk about nuclear energy being a part of Saskatchewan's energy future, one key concern that's risen among some is the safety of such a venture.

That was one of the topics presented at a Power Talks webinar put on by SaskPower which brought together energy experts from across Canada to answer common questions.

SaskPower chats about changing power requirements in Power Talks webinar

With changing needs from businesses, consumers, and regulators, SaskPower is looking at remaking many aspects of its power supply system in the next decade.

That was one of the topics brought up in a Power Talks webinar, which had SaskPower workers speaking on the province's power.

One topic that was brought up was the need to switch energy sources from traditional means.