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The legislation may have exceptions for some industries due to safety concerns. File photo.

Workplaces will no longer be able to ban poppies after the province tables a bill in the coming weeks.

That's being put into place sometime in the coming weeks after it was a key piece in the province's throne speech last week.

MLA Lori Carr details some of the government's thinking when it comes to that decision.

"While it's not a requirement to wear a poppy, no one should ever be prevented from doing so. That's why our government will introduce the Saskatchewan Remembrance Observance Act to protect individuals right to wear a poppy in all Saskatchewan workplaces. When the legislation is introduced and tabled in the House there will be exemptions if there are safety concerns to do with that." 

Carr says that while she can't think of any businesses that would need an exemption, the government is open to discussion.

"I mean, I can't think of one off the top of my head, but I guess if an employer does say that this is a safety issue, then that discussion would take place and it would be determined if it is, or if it isn't." 

Carr was also responsible for the resolution to one poppy issue that came up, with the new legislation looking to make sure that doesn't need to happen again.

"Through our offices we get casework and I'm aware of a situation where an individual was denied the right to wear a poppy and we had to have discussions with the employer. In the end, they did get to wear the poppy."

"What this legislation will do is it'll just ensure that those discussions don't have to take place and that an individual that wants to wear one will have the right to wear one. I would say that a poppy is one of the most agnostic symbols that you can get. It shows what our veterans have done to fight for everybody right across Canada and across the world, regardless of who you are. And so, showing that respect by having the ability to wear that poppy is really important." 

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Author Alias